A little gypsy song – release

A Little Gypsy Song

Excited to announce the release of A little gypsy song now available on all streaming services.

A little about this song, it came about as I was writing my second book of poetry and decided to turn some of my poems into lyrics (a natural enough progression). The music came to be as I dared to explore a hidden desire. The production by Sefi Carmel came as a dream, one that even my wild imagination could not of conjured up. But here it is A little gypsy song, Where poetry became music and music gave me the freedom to dream.

A huge thank you to everyone that has made this project possible Sefi Carmel & Lucas James for the production and a big thank you to Cam Watts for the cover shot.



Hello and welcome, this is Camille Delaquise, poet, musician and artist. Hailing originally from Byron Bay and now calling Melbourne home, Camille’s kaleidoscope lens captures the human experience to reveal both the intricacies and complexities of life.

As a singer-songwriter her poetic storytelling will send you soaring into a world where music connects us to the beauty of the world. Camille’s music comes from a place of being inquisitive about how the world works and a deep appreciation for language. For it is from poetry that music flows and images dance onto the canvas trying to express if only in this moment what exactly it is to be in the here and now and to be human.

In Camille’s own words; “For me poetry is a way to dissect ideas, to hold up language for a closer examination. Poetry is the formula  that uncovers the truth, identifying what is really being said and why, it is our story to tell, the knowledge we pass on. Language is the foundation from which we build everything.”

Join Camille Delaquise as she embarks on a journey of exploration, illumination and creative revelation – an invitation to witness the unraveling of truth through the transformative power of artistry.


Beat Magazine - Camille Barr


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