Colour Inspiration

Inspiration - where does it come from?  When inspiration strikes it feels like magic,  another dimension reaching out and whispering it’s secret. When it eludes you it feels like you will never have another creative idea for the rest of your life. In short inspiration in art is a most elusive and fickle friend.

When I’m creating my art prints and I say art prints rather than the singular art piece because turning them into prints is always part of the vision (although why is a topic for another time), I look for colours in my everyday that just happen to collide in most unexpected and delightful ways. Whether it's from the plate, I just ate a delicious pastry from and then happened to place it on a recipe book left open on the coffee table (as pictured on this blog post) or from mix-matched bath towels hanging against the tiles of an outdated yet cheerful bathroom. It is in this meeting of colour within the practical things we use every day that the spark of inspiration begins to stir, even if I’m not sure what direction it's taking me, I’m down for the ride.

I suggest taking photos of these meetings of colour in order to build up a library of inspiration to have on hold. There is just something about these different colours and shapes in our everyday that, for me at least, begin to open up new ideas. It is no surprise, I guess when you break down what art is at its core: the gathering of the life we observe as we try to make sense of it and express our perspective or, at the very least, come closer to understanding this thing called the human experience.  

Happy colour collating in your everyday!



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